Put on your gloves, move carts and stuff, scratch nose, sneeze, move more stuff. Home depot sells TP and clorox, dont tell or it will be gone
road to nowhere
JoinedPosts by road to nowhere
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
road to nowhere
TV constant updates. big surprise, it spreads by airplane and tourists
Now if we can get a half of inch snow for weather alerts the gov will have to declare an emergency.
But have no fear, daylight time's extra hour of sun will kill it.
Will you attend the Memorial 2020 ? - Covid-19 (Coronavirus)
by bats in the belfry in... or rather listen to the advice on their jw news website:.
show love to others.
while we all know the importance of attending christian meetings and participating in the public ministry, if you are sick, it is best to stay home to avoid infecting others.
road to nowhere
Sure. Sniff, cough, wipe my nise on my sleeve, hack, put on the whole show. Just trying to fit in
March 2020 Broadcast - Hard Push to Baptism. Why?
by Smiles inthe jw broadcast for march 2020 is a hard push for more baptisms, where mark sanctamonious sanderson makes ready use of the phrase "baptised disciples of jesus" instead of their typical catch phrase "baptised servants of jehovah".
the "jesus message" is somewhat unusual rhetoric for jehovah's witnesses.
why the big push for more baptism?
road to nowhere
Also mentioned dropping non productive return visits and ringing bells where people are not home.
Every study I have seen lately is a special needs person except born ins, and not all them.
So much for getting to nap in the car while the other 2 go have cookies at a RV.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
road to nowhere
How are we going to flush all that TP with water service cut off? Better to buy lime for the pit toilet .
Joe Biden or Donald Trump?
by Iamallcool init looks like joe biden might be the next president of united states!
your thoughts?
road to nowhere
Every well known person has no trespassing signs. Try the same at Obama's home, or Bush's. As for family skeletons, we all have them
You can " see" cuba from Florida too.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
road to nowhere
I reckon getting it and living will innoculate you.
The hospital is having to hide the masks because people were taking handfuls. Same questions otherwise. Several flu cases admitted each day. Ni coivid19 yet
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
road to nowhere
I have a doctor/ hospital visit this week. Interested to see if they ask different questions, ( usual is been out of country, will they add state) wear masks, ask me to wear one.
Seems panic is showing a bit.
Recommended Reading for ExJWs: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
by Jehalapeno infirst off, this is a book you want to read.
avoid the movie franchise at all costs.
horrible movies.. here's why i recommend this book: its prime focus is using rational reasoning to form your life philosophy - whether that be relationships, career or faith.. it also gives insight into the mind of someone who survived the geopolitical equivalent of the jws - the communist regime of stalin.. the antagonists of the book are referred to as "collectivists".
road to nowhere
It is fiction. Some people quote it like a historic document, but a story line is manipulated to fit a scenario real life has messy nuances that cant be written out.
Do you think there will be panic buying of food, guns ect?
by JimmyYoung ini wonder if there will be panic buying of food, guns, gas ect due to the corona virus.
what do you guys think?.
road to nowhere
Sarajevo tells the tale. Nobody survived alone. It took teamwork and hard ( perhaps immoral ) decisions.